Monday, August 23, 2010

Female Needing a little advice from you guys?

i am 26 years old and i have been engaged for 2 months my fiancee is 32 and he was married before and is now divorced, he tells me some stuff from his ex and i tell him some stuff from my ex, one day i asked him how old is she and he said she is 31, and this was about a month ago that i asked him and i found out yesterday that she was born 1983, she is 25 a year younger that me. Any idea of why he would lie about something so small? its really bothering i cant ask him because he went away and i wont see him until sundayFemale Needing a little advice from you guys?
I dont think him forgetting or telling you a different age for his ex is a big deal. Their really isnt any reason as to why it should matter in your relastionship. You guys are talking about ex's here...they are ex's for a reason. I think you should just let it go and just forget about me..its not worth getting in an argument over.

CheersFemale Needing a little advice from you guys?
Possibly to try and avoid the situation of you feeling insecure if you knew that he had gone out with someone younger than you?

It's not uncommon for us guys to lie about details, or skip over details, to not inadvertantly tick off our ladies with little things we wouldn't usually consider a big deal, but we know could set off unwanted arguments.
Best thing to do is ask, you's are engaged so he loves you and wont have any problem answering any questions you have or anything else you are worrying about, also you have to know for sure that she was born in 1983 maybe your source is lien, you don't want to accuse him of lien when he is not.
Guys aren't the best at remembering the kinds of details that women kinda take for granted. Like... he doesn't' remember your birth date or the anniversary of your meeting. In keeping with that, he truly... probably... doesn't remember how old his ex is. She's history, you're the future. You can make a big thing about this or not.

I don't think i would. Know what i mean???
Mybe he was talking about another ex gf, could be a number of reasons, but be best to just come out and ask him, it is a legitimate concern since he said 31 and its actually 25.

Need get it out in the open so there's no secrets you know..
Hi, ana

I have forgotten actual birth dates answered quickly and incorrectly before or he may be stupid, and does not know how to add.

she is an ex wife or late wife? just kidding.

you should know if his memory is bad, maybe you can test him with his family bd's.
I don't know probably he wanted u feel like ur the youngest he ever had.Does it in someway change ur outlook on him in a way that it wasn't a older woman he divorce with but a woman that is really a year younger then u.They say age don't matter but at times it does.
I think he is trying to make you feel good about your age.Ya know-saying you are younger than her and you don't have anything to worry about in that category.That's the only thing I can think of,anyway.
Well... i'm not being funny but he probly doesn't like to talk about his ex with you, you should move on and forget about his past relationships and focus on your own !!

Hope i helped,

This is one of those BIG RED FLAGS that SHOULD have you wondering if you should marry this liar or not!
First, per Dr. Drew (Love Line), Don't discuss ex-'s; ever. Things like this happen, and then people's feelings get hurt. Accept he had a past without you. It didn't involve you. That relationship no longer exists and you are now the important part of his life. The past is the past and nothing can change it, so don't dwell on it.

Secondly, it could be that he didn't want to make you self conscious or feel you had to worry about competition. This is pure speculation, but if you love him and trust him, this is pretty small. Think about the many other major issues he could have lied about, and take some solace in that this won't be the end of the world.

If you're still concerned, I refer you to the first answer.

Who should girls talk to when the need female adult advice?

My family is very confusing, I get alone with everyone pretty well, I love my mom to death, but I never feel like I can talk to her. On the other hand, my step aunt and I also get along great. I can always talk to her, and she knows everything about me, and every mistake I've ever done. I feel like I'm being dishonest to my mom by not telling her everything, and when she asks, I lie and pretend nothing has happend at all.

What do I do?

Stop talking to my aunt about my problems, and start talking to my mom, or just don't worry about it, talk to both of them?Who should girls talk to when the need female adult advice?

Mom's are great to talk to and usually understand what your going through. A lot of people are embarrassed at the thought of talking to their parents, or just don't feel comfortable. You should try to talk to your mom and you will realize that she is a great person to talk to!

Good luck,

Hope this has helped.Who should girls talk to when the need female adult advice?
talk to both of them. maybe get them together and have a talk.

you should be close to both of them.
i'd talk to both of them. Let your mom in on some stuff but it's ok to be comfortable w/ your step aunt and talk to her also.
You should probably tell you're problems to a parent that will understand about these things.

Let's say you're mom!

Our moms might been through all these things..

%26amp;I bet they have some advise. :P
talk to both of them.

but it's okay to talk to your aunt about certain things.

that's not being unfair.

you just feel more comfortable.

i'm like that too.

it's common.

you're not being mean to your mother though.

don't worry about it.
I would say a mom an aunt an older sister or female cousin.
parents are like that

its good you have an aunt like that

talk to both
It's good you have people to talk to.

don't discount talking to your mom though. Remember, she used to be young and went through a lot of things you probably don't even know about. Mom's love it when their girls say, ';mom, I have a problem and don't know what I should do. I need to talk to you.';

This is a great opportunity for you to mature and grow. It can be uncomfortable to talk to your mom at first, but if you just try it out, you might be surprised with the outcome. Plus it might strengthen your relationship with your mom and learn a few new tricks for learning how to talk to people when its not always comfortable.

Hi i need some advice on my female cockatiel?

i like to give her treats,so i give her toast,egg apart from her seeds she has millet i did give her lettuce but stopped realising its bad for her and her poo is watery, iv stopped all toast egg to see if that was the problem its been about a week now and still watery shes only 2yrs i also have a male who is 8yrs and he eats alsorts of food and hes fine is there anything i can do for her as im getting worried thanks xxHi i need some advice on my female cockatiel?
I am sorry, but I dont know whats wrong w/ your pet:( I suggest taking her tot the vet. Good luck, adn I hope she gets well soon:)Hi i need some advice on my female cockatiel?
First, processed food for humans will not be good for animals as it has ingredients meant humans. Give 24/7 cockatiel feed, water and a source of calcium and millet is good. Second, treats should be pieces of fruits and veggies.

I am the perpetual ';guy friend'; but now I want to be more than that with one of my female friends. Advice?

Augggh, the worst category of them all. I too have fallen into this role. You should just ask her out, or even better, stage it so just the two of you hang out together so you can get to know her and she can get to know you with out going on a date. Since she is already a friend asking her flat out on a date might be a little awkward. So try to hang out with her more and more and just be yourself.I am the perpetual ';guy friend'; but now I want to be more than that with one of my female friends. Advice?
ASK HER 0UT. S0ME GiRLS WiLL SAY yES 0tHERS N0. G0t t0 LiVE By THAT.I am the perpetual ';guy friend'; but now I want to be more than that with one of my female friends. Advice?
I was about to ask this same question help me too!!
tell her how hot she makes you feel and go for it.
This is officially the hardest thing on the planet to do. First you have to get out of the ';friend zone'; so she sees you in a different light. I would suggest shaking things up a bit and let her see you use your game to flirt and hit on another girl. next you have to take up a sport or hobby that's going to appeal to her. At least you'll be able to use the knowledge gained while being her friend to know what she likes and doesn't.
This proves my point that no guy can be friends with a girl.

Everyone that hates me for saying that but 10 of these questions a day prove I'm right :)
if your already established as the guy friend, then thats pretty hard to get rid of. you dont ever wanna be in the ';friend zone'; but all i can say is try to make the girl laugh and be flirtatious at the same time.
Once your her friend it's over.

Here's how dudes that get girlfriends do it; When you meet a girl. Before you know her very well, and before she knows you very well, you kiss her. Out of nowhere if need be. Just start making out. I know you won't do it, that's why your perpetual friend guy. But that's how you brake the chain. Just make out.
Make a move, dude! She's been waiting for you to.
yeah, tell her
be the biggest D*CK in the world and they will follow......not sure why but they luv it!!! just dont fall in luv with any of the ones that you attract.
You never know how she feels unless you ask. Ask yourself little questions about your friendship. Do you spend a significant amount of time with her? What do you guys do when you're together? Have you ever stayed the night with her? Has she given you one sign to show a slight interest in taking your friendship further? Read her body'll tell you everything you need to know without telling you. I've been in a situation like this before and it led us to a 5 year on and off ordeal. We're still the best of friends to this day. Don't put your feelings out there if you have the slightest hunch that she's not feeling you. Then you'll have a worst chance of losing her as a friend. Last thought, you have to ask yourself what you are willing to chance for putting your feelings out there.
be honest about your feelings for her. has she given a hint that she may be interested too? i was in a similar guy friend confessed his feelings for me. initially i was shocked b/c i never saw him ';in that way';, but the more i thought about it the more i realized he was such a great catch! go for it!
Hmmm... tough one, because a lot of time there's really no connection other than just friendship.

Let's all be honest here and make this as simple as we can. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but if you friend who's a girl liked you in that way or wanted you at all in that way, she would have made you aware of it and you wouldn't have gotten to be the ';guy friend'; in the first place. If a chick wants you enough and thinks you're too shy to make a move, she will.

My advice is get rid of these girl friends and start from scratch. Make your intentions known from the beginning that you're not trying to make another friend here, that you want to be with this person. You'll shoot and miss a few times, but you're bound to hit the target once.
Yeah . . . .

Been there.

Just walk away with your friendship in tact, it's not worth it
tough one. Its hard to leave the guy friend role to the boyfriend role.. hmmmmmmmmmmm

I don't think it can be done honestly. If she wants you then you will know it.. has she given you any hint whatsoever that she wants more that friendship? Maybe you could just ask her and be honest with her.

Also, for future reference, when you meet a girl and like her, you have to ask her out in order to keep her off the friends list.. its hard to get off the friend list onto the boyfriend list.. fear of ruining friendships is always a worry...
Usually those type of guys are gay as can be!
You're in friend zone - the only way to come back from that is to not be as available... bummer though - it could ruin your friendship... you would be taking a chance - but she's taking you for granted (as far as relatrionships go) and not looking at you how you she needs to miss you... absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that stuff... so see if it is worth the price you may have to pay, seriously.

Can u give me some advice on taking care of my jack russel terrier mix female?

she had a sisiter and some brothers so i dont know if she will miss them and she i geting spayed and she is 2 months

and advice on wat to do after she gets spayedCan u give me some advice on taking care of my jack russel terrier mix female?
Don't give her a bath at least 10 days after the surgery (if you need to wash her up use a damp washcloth or non-alcoholic wetnap).

Watch for any kind of infection (if infected, redness or swelling will appear around the incision site).

Don't let her play too rough so her incision site won't get torn open or rubbed raw or anything.

About her missing her brothers and sisters...her being only 2 months old, she will not misss them as much as if they were older. I would suggest finding her a few playmates around your neigborhood (such as a dog park once she is older, training classes with other puppys, a local dog walking service, or dog sitting service with other dogs for her to interact with).

Good luck!Can u give me some advice on taking care of my jack russel terrier mix female?
Yes all puppies miss their litter mates. That's why they cry at night and the like but she'll eventually get used to being on her own. After she gets spayed keep her calm for several days and watch the incision for any infection. Mostly it's just important she's calm while it heals in the first week. Ask your vet for special care instructions.
  • smokey eye
  • What advice could you give a divided family trying to potty train a-2 year old (female) in two separate househ

    holds?What advice could you give a divided family trying to potty train a-2 year old (female) in two separate househ
    get her her own potty that can be moved from house to house and make sure both parents are on the same page and far as how you are going to potty train the girl.What advice could you give a divided family trying to potty train a-2 year old (female) in two separate househ
    Work together, Talk with the partners of both households and make sure your all on the same page for training her. It will go easier if shes being trained the same in both houses. :-)

    I think 2 pottys is a good thing,(less things to lug around as well)

    I have a special potty for the 2 year old that comes to my house each day and she has another special one at her house that she uses for her Mama.

    When she eats or drinks give her a bit and then take her to the potty. Right after you go, take her, ... that sort of stuff.

    I also have a Sticker board, When she goes, She puts a Dora Sticker up..


    Hope this helps
    try training her in one household first, then if need be, train her in the other. this may keep her away from one side of the family for a short while, which may not necessarily be what is wanted, but it would be best to train in one place rather than two separate places.

    So annoying! I need a female's advice!?

    OK, I'm 13 and I've had my period for a few months now.

    My problem is it's too messy!

    I put on the pads and everything, but sometimes it goes around the pad.

    The second day of my period is the worst. There's always so much blood and it always leaks through. I'm tired of having to wash my underwear all the time.

    I think tampons would be a better idea, but my mother won't let me. She believes tampons can take away my virginity, and I know it's not true.

    Me and my mom aren't that close and she doesn't like to listen much, so I don't have much a chance of trying to convince her.

    I've thought about putting on the tampon myself, but I'm a little worried I might do something wrong like break my hymen. This is why I need my mom to be there and help me.

    I need some good advice, to both of my problems - the tampons and the mess of the pads.

    Thx to all of you ppl.So annoying! I need a female's advice!?
    you are right, tampons dont take away your virginity. I would definalty give tampons a try, seeing as you are having such a problem. You just demand that she buys you tampons or you can talk to some one else and see if they will supply you with some. The trick is you need to keep shooting until you cant feel the tampon... it might take a few but once you have it, your golden.

    Good luck and welcome to womanhood!So annoying! I need a female's advice!?
    Get some with wings and the super long ones (usually the overnight have a good combo of that).

    I heard that Always infinity brand is really good since they are slim and absorb a lot :)

    I used a tampon cause I was an athlete and it's made like a lot easier. If you can't get your mom to let you, then I guess u shouldn't.

    good luck!
    tell her they don't make you lose your virginity. only a guy can do that. if she doesn't believe you, get someone she'll believe to tell her. and if you're not close to her, i wouldn't suggest letting her help you put it in.

    AKWARD!!! and for the messy pad part, try getting some bigger pads and smaller underwear. i had the same prob. worked for me
    Try to avoid too much blood loss %26amp; see your doctor.
    dont use tampons without your mom permission it can be really dangerous
    just ask her if you can try it.

    Tampons can not take your virginity

    you need her help to put in a tampon??

    Tampons will not break your hymen. Viriginity is not an ';intact'; hymen, it's actually defined as never having had sexual intercourse by vaginal penetration.

    You can still have a broken hymen and be a virgin.

    You can even have sexual interncourse and not break your hymen! The hymen can be stretchy enough to permit a penis to go right past it and not break it. So the two things don't always relate.

    Tampons might help a little, but you really need to find a better pad. If you're leaking around and outside, find one with wings, or a thicker, more absorbent one. Find the smallest tampon you can, to practice with and don't forget to remove it at least every 4 hours if not more often, to prevent toxic shock syndrome. And wash your hands before and after using them to prevent infections.
    I think you're mature enough to use tampons without your moms permission. :)

    So you should go tell her the facts, straight up. It's your body and she can't control how you take care of it.

    If you have troubles, you can go to or just look through this Womens Health section on yahoo answers, ask more squestions on here, or just search whatever questions you have and see if anyone else has asked them. We're here to help. :)

    You could also ask a close woman, like a friend or another relative.
    First, you lose your virginity when you have sexual intercourse with a man, many women are born without hymens, not having one doesn't means you're not a virgin.

    Second, if you really want to use tampons, go buy some and use them, they do come with instructions on how to insert them.

    You don't need your mom to help insert tampons, especially if you two aren't that close...

    Three, ..... I can't use tampons either =( but just cause they're uncomfterble (virgin here also) when I expect a heavy I flow a fold up a ton of toilet paper into an extra layer for my pad, and try to wear your tightest fitting panties so there are no gaps for leaks, and be sure you check them/replace your extra layer frequently if it's that heavy

    Good luck, I don't talk to my mom about this stuff either, just figured it out myself.
    I used to have this problem when I was younger. But, as I got older, they seemed to lighten more.

    The key is to change your pad more often. Change it when you wake up, change it right before you leave for school, change it a couple times in school if need be (during lunch is a good time.)

    You might need to switch to new pads. The pads with wings work better for me. Make sure you get the supers, too. They have pads that are thicker and thinner. Look around for thicker pads.

    Finally, you might be putting your pad in the wrong position on your underwear. I've found that putting it higher up works better than smack in the middle. Before I made this simple change, my pads were too far back - almost towards my buttox (there is no reason why my buttox would need pad protection!)

    So annoying! I need a female's advice!?

    OK, I'm 13 and I've had my period for a few months now.

    My problem is it's too messy!

    I put on the pads and everything, but sometimes it goes around the pad.

    The second day of my period is the worst. There's always so much blood and it always leaks through. I'm tired of having to wash my underwear all the time.

    I think tampons would be a better idea, but my mother won't let me. She believes tampons can take away my virginity, and I know it's not true.

    Me and my mom aren't that close and she doesn't like to listen much, so I don't have much a chance of trying to convince her.

    I've thought about putting on the tampon myself, but I'm a little worried I might do something wrong like break my hymen. This is why I need my mom to be there and help me.

    I need some good advice, to both of my problems - the tampons and the mess of the pads.

    Thx to all of you ppl.So annoying! I need a female's advice!?
    you are right, tampons dont take away your virginity. I would definalty give tampons a try, seeing as you are having such a problem. You just demand that she buys you tampons or you can talk to some one else and see if they will supply you with some. The trick is you need to keep shooting until you cant feel the tampon... it might take a few but once you have it, your golden.

    Good luck and welcome to womanhood!So annoying! I need a female's advice!?
    Get some with wings and the super long ones (usually the overnight have a good combo of that).

    I heard that Always infinity brand is really good since they are slim and absorb a lot :)

    I used a tampon cause I was an athlete and it's made like a lot easier. If you can't get your mom to let you, then I guess u shouldn't.

    good luck!
    tell her they don't make you lose your virginity. only a guy can do that. if she doesn't believe you, get someone she'll believe to tell her. and if you're not close to her, i wouldn't suggest letting her help you put it in.

    AKWARD!!! and for the messy pad part, try getting some bigger pads and smaller underwear. i had the same prob. worked for me
    Try to avoid too much blood loss %26amp; see your doctor.
    dont use tampons without your mom permission it can be really dangerous
    just ask her if you can try it.

    Tampons can not take your virginity

    you need her help to put in a tampon??

    Tampons will not break your hymen. Viriginity is not an ';intact'; hymen, it's actually defined as never having had sexual intercourse by vaginal penetration.

    You can still have a broken hymen and be a virgin.

    You can even have sexual interncourse and not break your hymen! The hymen can be stretchy enough to permit a penis to go right past it and not break it. So the two things don't always relate.

    Tampons might help a little, but you really need to find a better pad. If you're leaking around and outside, find one with wings, or a thicker, more absorbent one. Find the smallest tampon you can, to practice with and don't forget to remove it at least every 4 hours if not more often, to prevent toxic shock syndrome. And wash your hands before and after using them to prevent infections.
    I think you're mature enough to use tampons without your moms permission. :)

    So you should go tell her the facts, straight up. It's your body and she can't control how you take care of it.

    If you have troubles, you can go to or just look through this Womens Health section on yahoo answers, ask more squestions on here, or just search whatever questions you have and see if anyone else has asked them. We're here to help. :)

    You could also ask a close woman, like a friend or another relative.
    First, you lose your virginity when you have sexual intercourse with a man, many women are born without hymens, not having one doesn't means you're not a virgin.

    Second, if you really want to use tampons, go buy some and use them, they do come with instructions on how to insert them.

    You don't need your mom to help insert tampons, especially if you two aren't that close...

    Three, ..... I can't use tampons either =( but just cause they're uncomfterble (virgin here also) when I expect a heavy I flow a fold up a ton of toilet paper into an extra layer for my pad, and try to wear your tightest fitting panties so there are no gaps for leaks, and be sure you check them/replace your extra layer frequently if it's that heavy

    Good luck, I don't talk to my mom about this stuff either, just figured it out myself.
    I used to have this problem when I was younger. But, as I got older, they seemed to lighten more.

    The key is to change your pad more often. Change it when you wake up, change it right before you leave for school, change it a couple times in school if need be (during lunch is a good time.)

    You might need to switch to new pads. The pads with wings work better for me. Make sure you get the supers, too. They have pads that are thicker and thinner. Look around for thicker pads.

    Finally, you might be putting your pad in the wrong position on your underwear. I've found that putting it higher up works better than smack in the middle. Before I made this simple change, my pads were too far back - almost towards my buttox (there is no reason why my buttox would need pad protection!)

    Close situation with a female friend..advice please?

    Say you have a guy friend and you know there's this attraction between you. Lets say that you have to move to another state shortly after you meet but you guys keep in touch over chat...not a lot but once every couple of weeks and he flirts telling you he's falling for you. Say you catch up with each other when you're back for work and actually stay with him one night, even get close like kissing but not sex. You don't talk about your feelings as you have to go back next day but he contacts you a while later and you get on..but don't discuss the kiss. I've heard that if a guy keeps in contact with a girl he has kisses that he is interested in her as more than a friend? Guys opinions really appreciated here please. (its a difficult situation due to heavy work loads and long distance).Close situation with a female friend..advice please?
    He's a gentleman - he obviously wants more but is too shy to push things too quickly in case he scares you off- keep in touch and give him some subtle encouragement and see what developsClose situation with a female friend..advice please?
    You need to understand that he may be interested in you as more than a friend, but that ';more'; might just mean sex. You should talk to him, if you like him then you might just have to put yourself on the line and be the one who brings up how you're feeling.
    Unfortunately blokes are all different and what is a signal of inner feelings for one will just be flirting for another. Stay in touch yes but better to look for romance closer to hand. Long distance relationships rarely work out.

    23 y/o single female housing advice needed?

    Hi, i'm 23 and currently still living with my parents but it has become unbearable for everyone. I am greatful that my parents up until now have let me live in their house. I have a full time, steady job. My dad keeps telling me that I should have a boyfriend by now to move out with and my only hope of moving out is getting a boyfriend/partner. I'm not that type of person, i'm happy single and I would like to live on my own. But my dad is making me feel really quite low about myself. I have been thinking about looking into getting a Static mobile home but I keep reading that they are most suitable for over 55's and people about to retire. At 23 years old would getting a static mobile home on a park somewhere be a bit weird? I only earn 1,000 a month. Please any response/advice will help me.23 y/o single female housing advice needed?
    Where abouts in the UK do you live? æ‹¢1000 a month is a very liveable wage! Some like my sister only earn æ‹¢900 a month at 19, and she still goes out every weekend, has enough for bills, food, clothes etc!

    Can be done and doesn't have to mean living badly or being peniless!

    The ONLY thing that wage might mean, is that (especially if you live in an expensive city like London) you have have to flat share.

    When I was earning æ‹¢1000 a month I shared with ONE other person in a two bed flat and my rent inc houshold bills, council tax etc came to æ‹¢550 a month! (now granted that was with my partner, BUT if he wasn't around I'd still flatshare with 1 other person)

    Nothing wrong with NOT having a boyf but your wage MAY restrict you to living alone depending on your area/rent.

    Nothing wierd about living in a static home, if that's what you want or can afford BUT i'd go down to some sites and check out the people.

    IF it IS lots of older people, you can still live there but it may mean no all night parties and IF you were to bring lots of men or friends home, it could cause problems.

    At 23 your obviously ready to move out so do it! But if your worried about bills then defo do a flatshare. Not all flatshares are wild party houses, in fact I looked into some very proffessional houses and these can be young people to!

    when I was working (full time carer at the moment) I worked hard and did NOT want to be kept up all night and that was at 23! My sister is 19 and lives in a non student house where everyone works full time.

    Just to give you an example of bills so you can write down what you can afford, here's mine.

    Total price given but everything is split between two.

    rent is æ‹¢300 per person

    Council tax æ‹¢109 per month

    Gas æ‹¢10 a month in summer æ‹¢20 in winter

    Elec æ‹¢20 -æ‹¢30 pre pay metre a month

    Water æ‹¢15 a month

    Tv licence æ‹¢12 per month

    Contents insurance æ‹¢20 a month

    Bt Landline æ‹¢15 - æ‹¢20 per month

    Internet æ‹¢7.50 per month

    Then you have food and what not but the above are the basics for houshold stuff.

    Hope that helps.

    have a look on the to look for rents in your area, then work out your budget! You could be moved out in a few months!23 y/o single female housing advice needed?
    Only a 1000 a month, first off you need to be working on getting a better job or at least a 2nd job. 1000.00 a month just is not going to cut it.

    Never move in with some one just because you do not have the money to do it by your self. It will not work and you both will be stuck
    You'd be best to rent a small flat or just a room. People are often looking for a lodger. That might be the best for you. You'd still be living with a family, but you'd get a bit more space and less nagging.
    do not let anyone make you feel 'low' about yourself, you are what you are, you are working and have a full time job, be proud of yourself you are one of the few in this day and age not 'sponging' on society so you deserve a bit of help. find yourself a small bedsit, if you cannot afford the full rent apply for housing benefit. do not worry that you do not have a boyfriend or partner, if its meant it will happen, deal with this housing first. static mobile homes are a good idea, they are not all owned by people who are later in years, its another option for you and you will not have to pay council tax on this type of property. i wish you well.
    Depends where you live I suppose.

    I'm 26 and single and have always lived on my own, mainly cause I can't stand people for long periods of time. I live in a one bedroom flat but it takes some looking after. I pay 320 a month, no bills included, no central heating, big spiders in the bathroom, but I love it.

    I would never give up this flat if I could afford it but at the moment it looks like I'm gonna have to house share 'cause I'm back in education and got 'released' from my job.

    If you can, get a flat, or similar, you won't regret it.

    American female tourist in Thailand -- any advice?

    I will be traveling to Thailand in May to meet four other international females for service work in the southern part of Thailand. I am American and the other travelers are from Canada and the UK. Are there any potential hazards or things to know before arriving? We will have a Thai local escorting us, so language shouldn't be too much of a challenge. I've traveled a great deal but never to Asia. Thanks for your advice.American female tourist in Thailand -- any advice?
    Thailand is safer than America. That said, you should still do everything as a group.

    Also, hopefully south means Phuket and Krabi, not the southern most provinces where there is Muslim extremist trouble.American female tourist in Thailand -- any advice?
    I've traveled Asia extensively and Bangkok had to be the most uncomfortable. I think it was all the 'sex-in-your-face' stuff.

    I travel mainly by myself and I wasn't hit on but I had an uncomfortable feeling all the while I was there.

    I was told there's lots of pick-pocketing but I didn't encounter any. I wouldn't keep valuables in the hotel room. Travel light.

    Be safe and have fun
    Bangkok - it's a cosmopolitan city and very modern with convenient skyway like a subway system but in the air. Convenient shopping - Robinson %26amp; May is there and mega theatre playing the lastest Hollywood film. Exercise common sense caution, then it's quite safe for female travelors.

    Do agree with the othre answer, Bangkok was safer than some US cities.
    Hopefully - ';southern part'; is not the three or four southern most provinces - as there are muslim extremist there. Not that they will target YOU and your friends. It is just not a safe area to be in generally.

    Overall, Thailand is as safe as any place in the world. People are great and you will love it. But like anywhere, there are bad people too. Safetywise, just exercise common sense and caution as you would travelling anywhere else. DON'T accept food and drinks from strangers. Don't go out to isolated area at night. Don't go anywhere alone - unless you are in very familiar sour rounding.

    Do a bit of research - even Lonely Planet Guide book on Thailand is quite good. There are a lot of books and resources available. One book I come across is ';Do's and Don'ts in Thailand'; - don't know the author but try asking a bookshop.
    Hi, it should be a good experience for you. Just immerse yourself in their culture and you will understand why the Thais are always smiling. By the way, which part of south Thailand are you visiting? Hopefully not the troubled provinces of Narathiwat, Yala, and Pattani. These places are still involved in extremist attacks.

    Otherwise, I will say enjoy your stay. You can write me at if you like some more information on Thailand. You can check for info too.
    I used to know french student who spent 1 year inBangkok, she always left may apartmet at 11 pm and get back at 5 am. alone by taxi (which I really did not recommend). She went out for drink, dance, chatting at Bangkok pub etc. Yes it's safe but would recommend that you use your general precaution when meeting people. Geneally, Thai are friendly to all races and colors no matter where they come from and willing to help to the best they can. But same things as in the big city, there're good and bad people.

    For the south, if you avoid 3 southernmost provinces and stay in teh region such as Phuket, Trang, Krabi, Pang-nga, Songkla, Stul, Ranong etc. you will be safe. People are nice to foreigners and do not think you're strangers but guests to the country. Same thing, there're always good and bad people everywhere in the world. Relax and make yourself at home and enjoy your stay. I hope you will have a good time and enjoy your experience and learning in Thailand.
    Any part of the south is relatively safe for foreigners.

    The best advice I was given was to at least learn how to say numbers in Thai before you get there. It helps with dealing with a tonal language as well as being useful knowledge in day-to-day interaction.

    Hopefully, you won't be shepherded too much and will be able to explore on your own and particularly try local food.

    Just as in your previous travels, you will experience culture shock, so try and stop yourself 'comparing' everything to 'back home' and make an active effort to work and think in baht and not dollars. You will be able to compare local price differences better that way.

    Unlike in our culture, Thais generally give credit to individuals who display tolerance and humility, so practice smiling, even in disorienting situations! Go with the flow......
    You see females walking in BKK even late night completelty unharassed and safe. Its a great city and safe safe safe
    Thailand is a very safe country. Only been there twice and I am male but you will be OK.

    Only one mild caution, Tuk Tuks in BKK may seem like a fun way to travel but if you are involved in a crash the results can be very nasty.

    Thailand is a great country, hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

    PS.. if you get told that a temple etc is closed due to wotever reason, ignore it.
  • smokey eye
  • 2 male ferrets 1 female, need advice?

    Well I have two dashing male ferrets, one albino (blind) and one masked (completely fine) Their very close! Their pretty much like brothers. But lately ive been thinking about ';what would happen if one passed?'; Well then the other would be all alone. So now I want to get another ferret, preferably a female (just for a change)

    But the thing is,

    will my two men think of her as a mate and fight?

    Will their be any fighting between the three?

    Will my men leave her out of everything since shes new?

    and since one of my men are blind, he gets antsy, so when he smells someone new, will he flip and hurt her?

    ( 4 years ago I got them) I first got my masked, then a week later I got my albino and my masked greeted him quite well, he was still somewhat of a kit, so he was playing with him(or showing dominance) and they hit it off. So will he do the same with the new one?

    Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated! Thanks =)

    PS- Now my ferrets are 4 almost, if not, 5 years old. Both healthy2 male ferrets 1 female, need advice?
    The two males might fight, especially if the female goes into heat. ONce ferrets are bonded it is very hard two break that bond, though. They might not take to her at first but sometimes it can take up to 8 months for them to bond. I personally would wait for pne of them to pass before getting another ferret. A new member can sometimes screw up an enttire bond. If you still want to get anew ferret now, you should put the new ferret inside a cage, and let your males out one at a time. Each male should get individual time with the ferret to get used to it. And you must make sure the new ferret is the one with the limited space (AKA in the cage) because that new ferret is in his/ their territory, so the get the free run. After a week or two, let both males out at the same time, with the new ferret in the cage like before. If they seem to be doing well, take the new ferret out and put her somewhere else while you let the males in her enclosure to sniff aroungd and get its scent. Do this for another week or two, then let each male out with the new ferret on their own, one at a time again FOR SHORT PERIODWS OF TIME ONLY! There may be small squabbles because your males have to show the new ferret whos boss around here. As long as the fighting is only small, let them at it. After a while try putting all three together, but make sure they are in a big enough space where if one wants to get away it can. During all this bonding processes you shjould have two pairs of thick leather gloves nearby, and you should also have another person with you. That way, if the fighting escalates you can grab the ferrets to separate them if you need to. Hope this helped!2 male ferrets 1 female, need advice?
    ew! doesnt it smell if yo will have 3?

    I have a female Boxer and thinking of adopting another female, need advice?

    I have a 1 yr old female boxer and am considering rescuing a 4 month old female Boxer from a shelter. Our 1 yr old has been used to being around another female Boxer becuase our neighbors have one and they play all the time and seem great. Someone scared me and told me that the dogs may literally try to kill each other once the young one gets bigger. Is this normal of any 2 female dogs or primarily Boxer females? My older one is fixed and the younger one will be too. I dont know if that makes a difference.I have a female Boxer and thinking of adopting another female, need advice?
    My in-laws had a 5 yr-old female boxer and then took in a female pup.

    They never had a problem. Your problems arise when you have two Alpha-females in the house. This can turn ugly.

    It really is better to let them decide for themselves who is ';higher on the dog totem pole'; as they sort out their pack order because, if you keep interfering, this behavior could lead to fighting. If you feel that one truly is the more alpha, you could do things to help speed this process along by always feeding, petting, etc. the Alpha dog before the other dog.

    The best advice there is to be sure that both pups view YOU as their Alpha...and then there should be no problems.鈥?/a>

    I would also consider letting the two pups hang out together and see how they behave before you make any decisions.I have a female Boxer and thinking of adopting another female, need advice?
    I know quite a few people who have two female boxers, and they are best friends. And it was the same kind of situation, both were rescues who came into the household at separate times. In general dogs get along better with the opposite sex, but that isn't true for all dogs. Just keep them separated while unsupervised until you are sure will get along.
    Not likely they will want to hurt eachother. The young one will grow up knowing the older one is the Alpha as she will ensure the young one knows that. However, if your Boxer is very passive the pup could become the alpha. Either way there shouldn't be any problems. Introduce them in a park and let them play a little. Ensure at first you are holding the 1yr old and someone else holds the pup. That way if your dog does go for it you can pull her back and likewise for the person holding the pup. Not a good idea to introduce them in your yard or home, ensure it is neutral territory.

    Dating a cancer female, need advice?

    Ok so Im 28 and the girl Im seeing is 28. I am a pisces and she is a cancer. I find that I have totally completely fallen for this girl and the feelings I am experiencing are so intense I can barely handle it. I seam to be thinking with my heart and not my head and moving really fast. she says she likes me and doesnt wanna see anyone else but that im too intense and telling her these feelings scares her a bit and she wants to take it slow. i get frustrated casue i just wanna grab her and kiss her and tell her i miss her all the time... i just feel passionately but she is cautious and practical and u kno, it makes sense... she said she doesnt wanna say things unless she means them and she doesnt wanna jump onto a relationship without a strong basis of friendship first. I thought about it and she is so right, when she commits, it is for real, it is special and she wants to make sure im the one and do it right.,... i repcet that, i just hope i can calm down and be patient, i think she is getting frustrated with me just as i am with her but i dont wanna mess it up and i wanna go slow at her pace. i should probably chill and just be cool and not so forward.Dating a cancer female, need advice?
    Im a cancer male - im not sure i believe in astrology, but nonetheless cancer perfectly describes my personality. Sounds like she might have gotten burned before and is very cautious not to again. Just give her time to open up and be understanding, and dont push her too hard.

    Really nervous Ragdoll female kitten?? Advice Needed.?

    I purchased a ragdoll kitten last week - when we brought her home she had major symptoms of stress from the relocation.

    I have had her in my room with me and have waited to introduce her to the house and whole family, and my two other cats with fear of her reactions to it. I was thinking within a couple days she would be fine to 'let her loose' throughout the home.

    We spend a ton of time with her - all of us take turns (1 or 2 ppl at a time) to go up with her, cuddle her, play with her.

    I spent a ton of money on her wanting a ragdoll for their boosted about temperament. Sometimes she will fall asleep with me and the next minute run off fearful if I try to pick her up.

    I have a male Maine Coon and a male part Himalayan which I purchased when they were babies and they were never like this as kittens - they were super friendly and trusting (no running away or hiding underbeds) and to this day are the most amazing cats anyone could hope for.

    So my question is:

    Does a kittens behaviour depict their behavior as an adult? I spent the money on her as I wanted that wonderful rag doll temprament that I have heard about but I am just not seeing it...and it makes me nervous.

    I don't know what else to do to have her trust me and stop being so fearful.

    I am also not sure how to introduce her to the whole house with her having a nervous breakdown!

    Really nervous Ragdoll female kitten?? Advice Needed.?
    If she's still not settling in, it's probably a combination result of poor socialization and genes. How old was she when you got her? If she was less than 12 weeks old, she may not have been adequately socialized and weaned. The kitten's personality is highly dependent on its environment. If the breeder socialized her well before she went home with you, she should be adjusting fine. (I cannot stress enough the influence of a good breeder who spends time with her kittens. It makes a huge difference in their development.) A well-socialized kitten who is very used to humans and has been handled often should be curious instead, NOT fearful. Unfortunately, there are many breeders out there who do not have the time to put into their kittens.

    Also, genetics, especially on the paternal side, can play a role. Do you know anything about the kitten's parents?

    Most Ragdolls do become more docile as they grow up. I have no doubt that with love and time, you will become your kitten's best friend. It will just be a little harder than if the breeder had done what she should have.Really nervous Ragdoll female kitten?? Advice Needed.?
    If you purchased her from a reputable breeder, I suggest you return her at once. She should be in a one cat family and even that may not help if she was bullied as a kitten.
    You really need to be patient... It takes a while for the cat to adapt depending on their personality... And each cat is different... You cannot generalize a kitten in one category going by breed... It depends on the cat itself and IT'S PERSONALITY.. If she is shy, that's just who she is... Just be loving, supportive, pay extra-special attention to her and don't give up. My mom had a cat who just had babies and these ppl adopted one, then brought it back the next day just because it wasn't jumping on their faces and happily licking away... PLEASE don't give up on your new baby like these jerks did.
    listen i know a lot about kittens even know I'm just 10 she could need a vet 'cause something is wrong with her nervus system try getting a carrier and keep her in there get her/he out and play with her at least 45 minutes a day then out her stright back in the carrier and do this for a month and then let her go a lone ok this could work please try

    I'm 15, female, need advice on good diet, and gaining muscle/getting a 6 pack, Hoping to get healthy again :)?

    Okay, so im lounging around on my laptop all the time lately while it seems like the rest of the world is out, and i just feel so unhealthy, im not fat, in fact most people say im a beanpole, but I just want to feel fit and healthy and strong and get back into sport as I used to play league football but then I got caught up in bullying and love and all that teenage stuff and now I'm completely lethargic and my diet sucks!

    Its like...wake up, eat crisps, eat chocolate, go on laptop, have a ham roll, have more crisps and chocolate, and then some more, and then dinner and then cake or pudding, im surprised i've stayed this thin! My mum through out the scales but i got measure I few months ago before so we worked out im probably 8 stone, And my height is 5';6.

    So i would like any diet reccomendation but obviously nothing extreme, im not looking to be a body builder, although I do want to eventually have a six pack but not like a outrageously prominent one, I just want to be quite nicely toned and physically strong looking, y'know? heh, im sorry, if that not a good description!

    Regarding building my muscles, i have some boxing gloves and an exercise bike, but i could easily buy some weights and tuff, so preferable if your going to suggest a work out regime let it be one which uses minimal equipment, no state of the art mechine's needed.

    And as its my last year in school i'd like to spend 3 hours MAX as my wokr out time, but i have no idea of the time scale that you would reccomend but im just saying,

    Hope you guys can help, i'll pour my heart and mind into the regime's, so dont even think im going to slack off, im a hard worker from now on :)

    Thanks Guys!I'm 15, female, need advice on good diet, and gaining muscle/getting a 6 pack, Hoping to get healthy again :)?
    OK I didn't read all of it. I just read the top bit.

    First of all, high protein low carbs is the rule for muscle gain. You want high weight low rep for muscle gain and general use fo the excercise bike for aerobic and general overall fitness. You pointed out you don't want big muscles, so instead to tone your muscles use low weights and do a high level of reps/sets. This will easily tone your muscles. To tone your abs, lie down and do sit ups but use a weight on your chest to create some resistance, this will speed up the tone on your abs at least. Get some cheap dumbells, light weight, not stupidly heavy and do one arm while reading and then switch or something. Eventually all will be tight as hell an you'll look how you want to.

    Lastly, women don't have 6 packs, they have 4 packs ;)

    Good Luck, peace!


    Please help, single female needs advice on dealing with a mechanic??

    I have a car that was in need of repair, it was obviously shutting down and has no power and so I took it in and the mechanic said that they would run some diagnostics on it, ok, they did, said they couldnt duplicate the problem I had already had the car fixed with them a couple months before, , well so they charged me 200 dollars diagnostic hours and then it didnt fix it, so I said please check it out again, they did. Racked up 3 more diagnostic hours, said it was the ignitor, put that in, no it wasnt, then concluded it was the CPU, replaced that. Then without my consent, goes and replaces other parts. Then to the mechanics account, they put 8 hours more on the car but we can just call it a ';study'; and not charge you for all of them. So I am thinking its better, I drive it for 20 miles and it does the same thing it orginally did. How should I deal with them? They have a $1200 bill and nothing has changed! Tell them I wont pay until they get it right and stop dumping parts in it?Please help, single female needs advice on dealing with a mechanic??
    Take them on a drive with you and show them what it is doing. Give them a chance to make it right. Legally you have to pay for the repairs. If they were done wrong or without consent then it needs to go to small claims court. Kneedeep is right if you don't pay they can put a lien on your car and possibly keep it. Unfortunately that is the way the system works but if you do the right things you have a good chance of winning, refusing to pay you usually will lose.Please help, single female needs advice on dealing with a mechanic??
    You are being scammed, big most states, it's illegal to install parts or perform repairs without your consent beforehand...legally, they cannot charge you for any repairs you did not authorize in writing or by verbal ok over the phone that is documented by them. Never authorize more than 1 hour of diagnosing at a time...if it takes longer, ask for a report on what was done so far. Talk to the shop owner first may help to get the repair bill down but I would call the BBB and maybe be prepared to get a lawyer or the states attorney general involved for fraudulent practices....tell em you'll blow the whistle on them or have their business license a local alderman or city licensing commitee. Raise a fuss...1200.00 for repairs or diagnosing that did not solve the problem is not your's theirs for not knowing what they were shoudn't have to pay for them to ';learn or study';. DO NOT authorize any more's obvious they are just trying to scam you. Only thing you can do now is pay a smaller, justifiable? bill and take it somewhere else....spread the word about this shop. This site has a shop finder feature for recommended shops by other members.......

    Or call AAA for recommended shops.
    I'd start by calling the better business bureau to see if this outfit is on the up and up. Take a male friend who knows something about cars with you to talk to them. Most areas have mechanic shows on the radio on Saturdays - call in and see what their advice is. Good luck.
    ';Dumping Parts!'; Sadly all to common for (We Don't Know so we'll just throw parts at it and hope it will fix it!) $200 is a Lot Diagnostic Read Out that takes 10 to 15 Minutes. Need a Better Shop/Mechanic and Honest! Did they do a Diagnostic Check on a Road Test when they Couldn't find the Problem with a Static (Car no Moving) Test? Why Not?? Sounds like BBB and/or a Lawyer is called for?

    Car Type %26amp; Year? Engine %26amp; Mileage? How did it shut down? Just turned off, Sputtered - Lost Power and Died? Did you get any lights on the Dash before Shutdown?
    First of all you should have not taken it back to the same mechanic after they told you they couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. You should have taken it to the dealer's for a look over. In any case, I'd try and talk to the owner of this business and find out what they can do for you.
    You DID keep telling them to redo it, didnt you? I would have taken it to another mechanic after the first try.
    You are being duped and probably still owe them the money- take it to another mechanic.
  • smokey eye
  • New set-up for 1 or 2 female bettas...Need advice :)?

    I currently only have one female betta, but I'd like to get her a bigger tank and possibly another female betta tank-mate :) Would a 5-gallon tank be suitable? I realize that isn't very big, but I don't have much room right now and plus I'm not very experienced with fish tanks. I know I would need some kind of tank with a cover since I have a cat. Does anyone have any suggestions of what kind of filter/heater to get? I'm not sure which brands are best. I'd also like to maybe get a few live plants, but I don't know what kind would work with the bettas. Any advice would be helpful :)New set-up for 1 or 2 female bettas...Need advice :)?
    Two females will squable, but they will NOT fight each other as the males do. There are many many many female betta sorority tanks that are funtional. I would concider getting a 10 gallon if you plan on adding anymore females. But with a 5 gallon as long as you have MANY plants and hiding spots, diftwood and caves work very well.

    I would suggest getting more then just two females, 4+ is a good number concidering females can become dominant of territory if it is just the two of them.

    Also check out the tank calculator for future addings.鈥?/a>

    Filter: A Whisper 5-15 would work ok, if you're worried about current, (which in some bettas can cause stress and lead to the dreaded tail biting) Check out this

    section in a forum I go to.鈥?/a>

    Heater: Hydor Mini-Heater is a decent choice. 78-80* is a good range for the temp.

    As for the peope above, please PLEASE do NOT keep your bettas in ';jars';!!!! It is CRUEL CONFINMENT! The MINIMUM size one betta, male or female, should be in is 1 gallon. Stop cruel confinment of jars, bowls and vases!New set-up for 1 or 2 female bettas...Need advice :)?
    I got an aqua- tech 5/15 power filter at walmart for my 5 gallon betta tank that I really like.
    Female Betas generally will not fight so you can get another or even a 3rd in a 5 gallon tank. Perhaps even a catfish for the bottom. But no more.

    For just the Betas and the 1 catfish you probably don't need a heater if you keep the tank in your normally heated house at about 70F. Don't use the basement b/c the tank will cool down further.

    A very small power filter (internal submersible or external hanging filter) that cycles about 20-30 gal an hour is more than enough. A small sponge filter powered by an air pump is also a reasonable option.

    I would not consider this a large enough tank for live plants but I would consider low-light plants like java moss, fern, banana plants.
    Your tank would be great and any of the smallest power filters would be ok (I like whisper but anything similar is ok). One plant that is easy to work with is called Hornwort. you can anchor it or let it float and it magically keeps down algae if it has enough light. Good Luck!
    two female bettas WILL fight.

    female bettas aren't as hyper aggressive as males, but they are still aggressive, in varying degrees.

    keeping multiple females has been tried and tested many times, and the best formula is to have 5 or more in a tank no smaller than 10 US gallons, well planted with lots of hiding places.

    female bettas are not schooling fish, they will develop their own little territories and a strict pecking order. if you keep only two, you may find that one will be more dominant, bullying the other to death. three you would find two bullying one, four you would be pushing your luck, with a number of 5 or more that aggression is spread about and peace should be restored, well relative peace, until you find you have a hyper-aggressive female (they exist!) that is best kept alone like a male. or even a male plakat in disguise (short-tailed male betta).

    with regards to tanks, visit your local large chain petstore, they'll do good deals on tank packages that include heaters, filters etc. remember you need to cycle the tank before any fish go in, check the link below. with live plants, stick to low-light types such as java fern or java moss, other plants will need more light than a regular set up provides, or even CO2 pumped into the tank too.
    You can keep multiple bettas, but I would suggest getting two instead of one. Even females will be aggressive, but not to the point of males. The females will establish a pecking order among themselves and once the order is established, everything is usually fine. I suggest two, because this will spread out the aggression from your current female so she doesn't just pick on one fish all the time. It would be good to have multiple hiding places in the tank for them as well, so your plants would be a good idea.

    The choice of plants would really depend on the lighting more than any preference by your betta. The intensity of the lighting will determine whether a plant will grow or not. Anubias (banana plant), Java fern, and Crypts are all low-light plants, so these would be good choices.

    There are several brands of 5 gallon bowfront acrylic tanks on the market, most come with brightly colored trim, a hood with a light, a filter, water conditioner, and trial sized flake food for about $35 - $50 US:鈥?/a>

    You can get a color to show off your bettas and find a matching color of gravel as well. As far as a heater, I'd recommend against the cheapest you can buy. I like ones that are completely submersible and can have the tempetature adjusted. There are several companies that make this size, and you'd only need one that's 25 watts for a 5 gallon tank. I'd also consider upgrading your light to a full-spectrum bulb. The color is more natural and it would benefit your plants, but may also benefit algae!
    A five gallon tank is plenty for a couple female betas. I would recomend a larger tank just for the ease of maintenece, larger tanks tend to be more stable.

    As far as the issue of female bettas fighting, I've had 20 at a time in a 20 gallon tank and never saw any agresive behavior.
    when your female bettas is use to being in its own tank. if you put in another female into her tank she will fight/ bite the new female. i keep all of my female in their own jars. it's easier to fat them up for breeding.
    I work in a petstore and we sell bettas male and female. we house the males seperately but the females are fine to go in together. Bettas are known for being able to live in horse shoe imprint of water so they're not entirely fussy fish. whatever you house them in they just need to have fresh water and regular water changes and conditioner added to keep the ph at the right level etc. they do not need any fancy filters or heaters but they can only benefit from these. it is entirely up to you but remember that most people keep bettas in little tiny jars or tanks, so yours are getting five star treatment!!
    A 1-gallon tank would be just fine. Some live plants and very light filtration .A small heater or light bulb for warmth.

    You could also add one male;males are beautiful.
    I would suggest a 10-gallon aquarium instead. As for the number of females, I would also suggest a quantity of three. This would stop any possible bullying between the females. I owned two at one time and one female killed the other dispite having a 10-gallon tank. Go to your local Wal-Mart to purchase a starter 10-gallon aquarium kit. I would suggest an undergravel filter than a standard type overhang filter and the heater has to at least be a 25-watt. I would suggest a java fern for the betta's enviroment.
    yES a 5 gallon will be big enough for 2 females I have a 2.77 gal. with a crontail female Betta and a platy with one eye missing and they get along great.

    From personal experience.......Don't put two Betta's together. Betta fish are very aggressive and will fight to the death over space and food. It doesn't matter if they are the same sex or opposite sex, they still fight. A five gallon tank is perfect. They stay pretty small in size. They don't need a heater!!!!! You can buy a 5 gallon tank at Walmart that has everything you need to start. Including the filter!! The tank and accessories are inexpensive and easy to do. Also, you'll only want to use bottled water. The tap water has chemicals that are known to be fatal to fish. Hope this helps. Good Luck.
    If you put 2 bettas together they will kill each other, heater depands on what type of fish you will have, someone the water temp will stay normal without heater. research your fish online, or got into the pet store and browse through books.

    Need some lawn care advice....have two full size female dogs...?

    I need some help. I have two full size female dogs, one golden retriever and one black lab. They both live full time in the back yard, have a kennel, but I leave them out most of the day. I realize it is terrible for my lawn, but does anyone have any suggestions as to how to revamp and revitalize my lawn?

    Would it be best to limit their time out? Any fertilizers that can help? Any ideas would be very helpful, thanks!Need some lawn care advice....have two full size female dogs...?
    I would recommend using a soil amendment called ';Pozzolan'; or ';Lassenite ATS'; (same product, diff names). This is an all natural soil amendment that helps to grow deeper stronger, healthier roots. The better and stronger the roots, the better your grass will stand up to the wear and tear of the dogs. This is a product that is used a great deal on sports fields and golf courses to reduce the compaction caused by all the wear and heavy traffic.

    This is a very benefitial soil amendment. A ONE TIME application will do the following:

    Reduce watering

    Reuce fertilizer usage

    Promote deeper, healthier roots

    Hold nutrients in the soil

    Flush salts

    Increase porosity

    Decrease compaction

    Reduce runoff

    Thicken lawns

    Pozzolan is a volcanic diatomaceous soil amendment that you till into the soil to about 6 inches. It is all natural. It is used in the middle east to grow grass for golf courses in the desert.

    Good Luck!Need some lawn care advice....have two full size female dogs...?
    First of all, make sure that your problem is acutally from your girls and not from grubs or some other parasite!

    You can reseed periodically during the year, which can help really bad spots. We usually water the areas our dogs go shortly after (great dane and bearded collie), which seems to help greatly.

    There are all kinds of patch repairs that work really well, but also are kind of costly.

    I've heard that top dressing the lawn with lime partway through the summer neutralizes some of the acidity from the nitrogen in the urine. I've never tried this personally, as I try to reduce what I put on the lawn (meaning - nothing other than seed or soil) but I know some people swear by this.

    Depending on where you are, the nice thing about dog spots is that they revitalize themselves over the winter! We topdress with soil and seed in the fall and spring as well.

    We've also trained our dogs to ';go'; only in one specific area in the yard, which has greatly reduced the damage in the yard in general. It took a bit of work, but it was worth it! Now I know we have only one area to work on - and to me, my dogs are worth more than a pretty lawn!

    I am an 18 yeaor old female from Wales (uk) Seeking advice?

    I went on holidays in august, to Turkey and while i was there i fell in love with a Turkish boy. I dont follow religion, i have no problem with any religion. So .... i was woundering would a Turkish family allow their Turkish son to be with a british girl?? I really need advice. Please help.I am an 18 yeaor old female from Wales (uk) Seeking advice?
    Hi Jessi,

    I just can tell you that there is no general answer which applies.

    I live in Germany and know at lot of girls married to Turkish men or vise versa without any conflicts. I also hear stories of Turkish families strictly refusing the contact with anybody outside of their islam religion. It is almost the same story like you can expirience in Belfast, although things are about to change to normal nowadays.

    So it really depends on the view of things of the family of your boyfriend.

    I can only wish you good luck to be fully accepted.I am an 18 yeaor old female from Wales (uk) Seeking advice?
    99% of people living in Turkey are Muslim. I did some research and the Qu'ran says that in general Muslim men are not permitted to marry non-Muslim women, but there can be exceptions:

    An exception is made for Muslim men to marry chaste or pious Jewish and Christian women, who are referred to as ';People of the Book.'; This comes from the understanding that Jews and Christians share similar religious outlooks - a belief in One God, following the commandments of Allah, a belief in revealed scripture (Books), etc. ';This day are all things good and pure made lawful to you.... Lawful to you in marriage are not only chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time, when you give them their due dowers, and desire chastity not lewdness. If any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost'; (Qur'an 5:5).

    So, I suppose since you said you dont follow religion, then his family would most likely have a serious problem with this relationship since you are not a ';believer'; in a similar religion.

    Interestingly, under no circumstances should a Muslim women marry a non-Muslim man.
    Yes but they would expect you to convert your religion to become a Muslim and their religion is very strict on women.

    If I was you I would forget this guy, obviously there are good ones out there but most Turkish men are known to be love rats and use British women as either a meal ticket or a visa into the UK.
    ICE has hit the nail on the head. Forget this guy he only wants a UK passport.


    Drag Queen - Female Impersonators Advice?

    Hi, i am going to dress up for halloween as a sexy vampiress paired with my Gf (same dress, similar height and measures) Black Straight long wigs, high heels, fishnets and ect to me but i agreed to this so i must now at least give it a try. My doubt is, how do i create hips ? I think that some drag queen use some padding but here in It it's not easy to find.....Let me know something on ebay perhaps....

    Also, my Gf thinks i better shave at least my legs...should i ??

    it is only a dressing up for Halloween, something funny that we will do togheter, done on mary GRAS and we had a blast. This time I would like to be as good as possible, (i must admit that there is something good about crossdressing....)Drag Queen - Female Impersonators Advice?
    I can't help you with the padding, but you can wear flesh-colored tights under your fishnets. Just plan ahead when you have to go to the bathroom.Drag Queen - Female Impersonators Advice?
    I would recommend making your own padding if at all possible. Being you are only doing it for Halloween making your own would be the cheapest and fastest way to create padding for hips.

    I need female/male advice. Help?

    This girl and I are best friends. We've know each other for ever.

    Well a couple of days ago she came up behind me and said ';look, its my best friend';. She hugged me as she said it.

    I want to do that to her. Shes about 2 inches taller than me. So theres a little height difference. When she hugged me, she was behind me and she put her arms on/around my shoulders and got close and squeezed.

    So my question, how could I hug her (from behind) and make it look/feel like a hug thats friendly yet flirty?

    And what should I do with my arms? It would be awkward to go on top of her shoulders because of the height difference. So should I put them around her waist area? And not really hug but just like a little squeeze?

    I know its kinda weird asking a question about this, but I want it to be perfect.

    Any ideas or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!I need female/male advice. Help?
    Hey man.I think you should put your hands on her waist. And work your way up. But not too far where ur in the boob area. And go down and just hang on to her waist. ONLY!!! GO!! UP!!! AND!!! DOWN!!! ONCE!!!! good luck :)

    I need female/girl advice.......urgent assistance required.thanks?

    DOES SHE LIKE me or is there interest?????

    I met this girl on friday.....she said she wants to be in contact with me (I presume as friends of course cos u cant have a realtionship after 30 mins)

    we exchanged phone numbers and we added each other on facebook

    after three days of no contact, i send her a text message asking her how she was doing and that we had a nice conversation the other day

    she then replied with:

    ';Hey tim...what a suprise! How are you? Yeah, it was a really nice conversation and I enjoyed it a lot! I am on my way to bowling, what are you up to now?';

    I then said I am cooking (lol), but seriously, I was! I also told her to make a strike for me while playing bowling!

    She then replied

    ';Cooking? Well I like the fact that you are cooking! I will try my best to make a strike.....Have a great night and thanks for adding me on facebook';

    I then sent her a message back saying thank you too and i wish her sweet dreams as she sleeps.

    I heard nothing back from her since then.

    I KNOW THIS IS THE WRONG SECTION BUT MOST GIRLS COME HERE SO IT MADE SENSE TO POST IT HERE IN THIS SECTIONI need female/girl advice.......urgent assistance required.thanks?
    nopeI need female/girl advice.......urgent assistance required.thanks?
    It sounds like shes interested in you. but she might just be interested in being friends with you rather then being in a relationship with you. but don't expect her to reply to every text you send her right away, or for her to text and call you often, because girls don't like to go nuts and be obsessed over guys like that. just give her time and space and everything will work out fine. good luck=)
    she most likely doesnt like you if she isnt replying to your message. its great that you had a good conversation, but thats all it was. it doesnt sounds like there is any interest.
    i hate it when a guy tells me sweet dreams. be unique when you say something sweet. she may think you are cute, but she may not like like you. you know what i mean. she probably wants to get to know you. so take your time. dont rush. that scares us girls away.
    Probably interested.. Sounds like she may have even wanted you to come on the bowling outing. Don't trip on the last unanswered text message. She may have have a few drinks at the bowling alley and just gotten caught up with her friends.

    Well here's the thing....most girls lay low and expect the guy to call them, not the girls to call guys after you met or had a date,that's just how it is. And she might be playing hard to get to get you to think about her, and to get you to chase after her. I would say just to text her and say hi casually, and after asking her hows it going and stuff maybey say like, so did you get a strike the other night? or make a joke (but not an insulting joke!) then ask her to on a date, and if she says like well im not free this week, but mabey another time? then shes not interested, but if she says yes id love to or some thing then she's definately interested! (and dont not talk to her for a while or she will think your not interested in her)
    she is interested in you because SHE was the one asking to exchange contact information and she was being totally sweet to a guy she just met! haha and this was the right section cuz i know I'M always here lol
    ha ha i see your problem. this girl (i think) is thinkign to herself ';should i text him or message him on facebook??'; same as you. the next time you talk to her, keep it ';hi katie havent heard from you in a while...whats up?'; or just DO IT. do it as in ASK HER OUT ON A DATE!! she obviously likes the way you are, your cooking self. (if u ask her) on the date, you should go bowling and then cook her dinner!! i think she'd like that alot.

    hope i helped %26lt;333 xoxo Julia
    You're overthinking this and it's probably projecting to her and creeping her out a bit. Keep it casual. Stay in touch. It sounds like she likes you and you'll get a better feel as to if there's interest but if there's not, wouldn't you like her as a friend? Give it time.
    You were golden up to the 'sweet dreams' part.

    That was an overstep -sometimes, we don't want to hear that from a guy we just met - gives up creepy vibes.
    Well it sounds like she likes you, that is no doubt. If I girl didn't like you I don't think she would of gave you her number. How she likes you is the question....She either likes you just as a friend or she is attracted to you and is interested in more. And how you treat her could greatly affect that. So far I think you have done great. A woman wants to know your thinking about her but doesn't want to know your waiting by the phone for her. Ya know?! If she is interested she is just as confused as you are, trust me! If she is interested in you she is wondering why she hasn't heard from you since then and debating whether or not she should contact you and how. So save yourself and her the stress and text her again. Be honest just let her know you are thinking about her and ask her how her day is going. Come on what is the worst thing that could happen? She doesn't respond, then oh well at least you know how she feels and best situation she is glad to hear from you and the conversation takes off from there!

    Good luck!

    :) Ashley
    Seems like she's interested.

    Just keep talking/texting her.

    but not obsessively.

    and don't say sweet dream stuff, just say good night.

    'Sweet dreams' can be creepy. ahha

    Uhh you asked this yesterday??? And alotta ppl answered...........
    Give it a few days then call her. Try not to show her too much attention because most girls dont go for it. Good luck!
    There is interest obviously otherwise she wouldn't have allowed you the add on face book... try not to read to much into things and enjoy it. It seems like a bit of friendly chat. If you want to know for sure make it clear that you like her...somebody has to make the first move, why not you ? And how do you expect her to reply to your last message? its a nice way to end the night but what would you say back if someone said that to you.
    We don't know!!! LOL. Try asking her out to go bowling or to a movie with a group of friends. Read her body language. Or, you could just flat out ask her! That way you'll have an answer. It sounds like you like her...I hope it works out for you!
    Did you not answer this question earlier today? Cuz I answered it.
  • smokey eye
  • I have female issues...advice would be nice?

    have been exper. lower abdon. pain and both kidneys hurts at times the pain in my lower abdon. is like a burning sensation right under my bellybutton area constant, does not hurt to use the bathroom or urinate does not burn either thought i could be pregnant but cycles are always off and prego test came back negative. slight nausea and dizzy at times been experiencing some lower back pain as well...i have a doctors appointment on the 15 of June but just curious to see if anyone else has experienced this before....i have had miscarriage before and the burning sensation is kind of similar to that in the uterus area but no blood and a negative test....could i just be pregnant? i took a calculation test and it said i could be about 6 weeks prego from the time of my last cycle what do you think? Thank youI have female issues...advice would be nice?
    You could have a urinary tract infection even if your urethra doesn't burn when you urinate. I had a really terrible infection some years ago, but it only manifested itself in the form of really horrible heartburn and nausea. It sounds to me like you have SOME kind of infection, regardless of whether or not it's a UTI. Go see your doctor as soon as you can.

    What can i wear for an interview for newlook, im not sure as im a male, most comments give advice for females.?

    I've either been told to wear a suit or go in my normal fashionable clothes to look my self and show them what fashion im into. (i wear they're clothing too) Also that a suit may look too professional as its not what they are looking for as its a clothes shop.What can i wear for an interview for newlook, im not sure as im a male, most comments give advice for females.?
    Deffinatly, be yourself. Show then how fashionable you are hunny! ROCK THERE WORLD!What can i wear for an interview for newlook, im not sure as im a male, most comments give advice for females.?
    oooh i have it tomorrow! , well ive decided to wear jeans and a smart check shirt :) basically the fashion in newlook now so i hope thats an advantave :D Thanks

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    You get 1 chance to make a first impression so my advice is wear your suit, a plain colour shirt and a plain colour tie. Use complimentary colours for the shirt and tie like a blue shirt and a dark purple tie for example (and tie the tie properly, nothing worse than a badly worn tie). Match shoes (polished) and belt (if you wear one) and keep the bling to a watch and wedding or signet ring, put your wallet in the jacket inside pocket not your trouser pocket to keep a clean neat line .

    You should aim to give a professional appearance and nothing beats that than a clean shaven, well dressed guy in a good fitting suit. Even though it's for a fashion store job going in casual or fashion clothing does not cut it and you'll be unlikely to get the job.

    Goes for any interview and for girls as well as guys. Smart, clean and professional will win out everytime.
    i agree...something trendy and they can see that you will fit in with the look of the shop....also..i had an i,view for them years ago and one of the things they did was have an outfit hanging on the door and they asked you to sell it to them, they were the cusomer..and you had to give good points about little out fit was a kids set-cream cargo pants and a body warmer...outfit wasnt that nice lol....good look
    wear a

    -white t-shirt

    -a black waistcoat or cardigan or a leather jacket

    -black or dark blue jeans

    -smart black shoes


    -and maybe a black beanie or

    hope this helps
    Wear a pair of slacks, and one of their button down dress shirts, no tie, no jacket and a nice pair of shoes. That way you still look professional but not overdoing it.
    I wouldn't wear a suit. Wear your normal clothes, but look smart, not scruffy. So wear a nice pair of jeans and a checked shirt or something, not just a tshirt, or a hoodie. :)

    I am female looking for work overseas (i live in iceland). Any advice?

    well what kinda work are u looking for??come to america there is alot of work over here..I am female looking for work overseas (i live in iceland). Any advice?
    Travel to USA and apply at any Wal-Mart.I am female looking for work overseas (i live in iceland). Any advice?
    Where do you want to work? What do you want to do? We don't have enough details to help you.
    may be you can start with th us army or navy they always got job posting maybe you can find something there

    HELP!!! female relationship advice required!!?

    i'm a 20 year old lad and my girlfriend is 18 and she shares a bedroom with her 19 year old sister. im looking for advice from a female perspective as to whether im being jealous and insecure or if i am actually fair with my comments. i have been with my girlfriend (gf) for 6 months and we have a really strong relationship and over the past 2 weeks my gf's sister has started dating a lad (a mate of mine) but as of yet are still not in a relationship. However, i have still never slept at my gf's house and whenever we watch a dvd together it is always at my house as she says it is not fair on her sister having me round all the time which at first i was ok with as it is fair enough. However, now her sister with a lad she is not even dating constantly has her lad round for dvd nights and he has even started sleeping at her house whether my gf is home or not and i only get invited if her sister is not sleeping at home which the majority of time she does sleep at home! this has started to cause arguments as i have said it is unfair that she lets her sister have lads round if her sister never lets her but she disagrees and says i am being unreasonable! after we had been together 4 months all of her family and I went out for a meal and drinks for her 18th and i went back to her house with her and stayed till 4am when i rang for a taxi as it was the worst rain storm of the year but no more taxi were still running at this time and so i had to walk 20 minutes home in the terrible weather and early hours of the morning as she said its not fair me staying on her sister not even on the downstairs sofa! yet then i hear her sister is invited her lad round after knowing him 2 weeks and arranging for him to stay and my gf says that its ok! also while we have been together my gfs ex has stayed at her house and i am yet to stay! my gfs mum does not mind and said i could stay as much as i liked if her sister is ok with it! am i being unreasonable in being upset and annoyed at these circumstances or am i just being jealous and insecure?! Please HELP!HELP!!! female relationship advice required!!?
    Just wondering if you have had sex with her, if not that might be the issue! Also she may feel insecure about herself and not want you seeing her in the morning or seeing her sleeping. I felt embarrassed taking my boyfriend back to mine when I shared a room with my sister as I felt he didn't really want to be there because he was in amoungst my sisters space. He had a room of his own and I felt he would think less of me for sharing a room. Do you invite her round to yours more. That way she is the guest and it is you that has to make her feel comfortable in a differnt environment. It may also be an issue she has had with a previous boyfriend about staying. Obviously there is something so the best thing would be to ask her about it but be sensitive when you do it. As for her sister, she obviously doesn't have respect for your gf or she wouldn't be allwoing somone to invade your gf's space so much when she hardly knows him. Dont be jealous, at the end of the day she is still with you so she does want to spend time with you but doesn't have the confidence to allow you to stay over. Like I said talk to her and ask her about it. You could try and break this barrier by taking her away for a few days and staying in a hotel togther. This would mean you can spend time together with each other and have your own space whilst also sleeping together overnight.

    Hope things work out for you, you seem like a caring guy.

    Good luck!!HELP!!! female relationship advice required!!?
    It could be she feels uncomfortable letting her sister see her in bed and all with you. Talk to her about it I'm sure it will make it better
    You're not being totally jealous and insecure

    but i think you need to properly talk about it, cause there may be a reason she doesn't want you to stay over.. maybe she feels that that would mean you are moving to fast? Or maybe she feels embarassed in front of her sister?

    Ask her why, but don't turn it into an argument :)
    i seriously find it weird that ur gf allows her X to sleep over. heck no ur not being insecure or even jelous wth. its like both men and women dont know how to take care of relationships now a days. if i were u id make it into a very big deal thats not fair thats actually very sad for u to even walk that much in the RAIN! i dont think shes being a good gf or even a caring one.

    talk to her seriously, and tell her this is really bothering u and something must be done. let her give u 3-5 reasonable explanations to why you cant stay over with her sis being there. i hope this will help
    Hi there. Your feeling jealous and this is normal for what is happening. Maybe she is telling you no because she doesn't want you over for some reason other than what she is saying? I think you need to ask her straight out, and tell her how you feel. Also, the ex bf staying over when she is seeing you, is very very wrong. It isn't acceptable, so please don't put up with this.
    What I have read, It seems to me your girl is not ready for you to be an over night guest.Do not push the issue of the sister haveing an over night guest for that will only turn her off to the fact of asking you to stay she does not want to be compaired to her sister just because she has an over night guest does not mean she is ready for the same.If her feelings are as strong as yours she will let you knopw when she is ready for you to stay. Take your time with this because it seems she may start to feel rushed in to something she is not ready for yet There are times one wants to be alone and that does not mean she does not want you around ,She is a lady and may need some time alone to do what all ladies do and that is while you are not there she can rest and be refreshed to see you the next day.She will let you know when she is ready for an over night stay,Treat this with respect for that is the way to a ladys heart.
    Ok, your girlfriend is just a user. If she really loved or cared about your relationship she would have worked this out. She knows she can get away with using and abusing you so she doesn't. This relationship will not end well for you if you don't get out of it now. Take my advice and leave before you get more attached and the breakup inevitable breakup becomes even more painful. Trust me if you don't break up with this girl she will eventually break up with you when she finds the guy she does want to have over. It could be 3 years down the road or even in the middle of a marriage and you won't know where it came from. The warning signs are there now, end it.

    34, female, need advice about workout?

    I just started working out ..When I started I was about 108...pounds I have only been to the gym 8 times @ first I was loving it because I saw my body getting tight..Well I am know 114 pounds and I can see that I am gaining weight in my tummy area.I am not eating bad..Im watching my diety drinking water..What is up with that...I know muscle weighs more then fat..but I can see it in my tummy I look pregnant...Why????34, female, need advice about workout?
    start doing jumping jacks and that problem will go away, 300 at a time is great, a rowing machine and water aerobics, as well as step is good, jumping side twists along with jumping jacks are excellent for the stomache34, female, need advice about workout?
    I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at , my aunt got a free trial and paid only $6.95 shipping and handling.
    I suspect you are eating too much after your workouts and eating too late in the day. Try eating before workouts (about an hour) and not eating about four hours before going to bed. You might be working too hard and ending up so hungry afterwards that you eat too much.

    Female Ejaculation Advice?

    So I've been looking in FE all night long, and and I can't seem to find a straight answer. Okay, here's my dilemma, Ive been seeing this guy for a while now and we recently started having sex, for the first time in my life I'm having FE's, or what I think are FE's. All the symptoms fit except that all the websites say the fluids should be clear and watery. Mine are white-ish, creamy and very thick, is this normal? Or is what I believe to be an FE something entirely different? I'm really not sure what to think because all I have ever heard before was that it's a myth. When it happened it kinda scared me, I thought I had peed but the fluid was thick and white, I didn't know what had happened. He's the one who explained to me I'd had an FE....... Can someone help me please?

    (Preferably a woman.... No offense but if you don't have a vagina, I don't want your advice about mine)Female Ejaculation Advice?
    yes it is quite normal. they can be clear and usually are, but just like your discharge throughout the month the consistency can change. If its too thick you might want to get it looked into. White is normal, chunky, not so much...Female Ejaculation Advice?
    **I take back my last comment Fool's advise was not bad. For the record i have nothing against men i dont think men are stupid i just think that a woman would understand better than a man. if you are an INTELLIGENT man and actually know what youre talking about comment away. I promise no offense was

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    intended, and to those polite men who commented, i apologize if i offended you. (john i hope you are VERY offended)

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    Well... seeing that you are not male and dont have white semen... um... I really dont know what to tell you. FE is usually clear, BUT there are cases of white FE... maybe it's something you are taking or eating... or worse yat... STD';ing.';
    Yeah you cant just ignore advice from guys just because we dont have vaginas. I dont have a vagina but i guarantee ive had more experience with female ejaculation than you. My fiance does it and many past girlfriends. But if you dont want a guy's advice about it, then you wont get it..
    just to be safe you should get tested for an STD or infection b/c I have female ejaculations but it's always clear never thick

    LOL @ some of these answers, for not having vaginas you men sure have a lot of sand in your panties
    I know you said for a woman to answer, but I have advice.

    'FE' is normal, although all women can't do it; suprisingly a lot can.

    So, no, it isn't a myth, it's pretty normal.
    You are definitely experiencing female ejaculation. When I have sex with my partner %26amp; I orgasm I always release a white fluid, don't worry about it just enjoy it ;o)
    its perfectly normal...

    happens to me all the time...

    it will eventually fix to clear and watery...

    the usual...

    iv asked my doc
    idk.everyones different.
    When I had sex with my first it was exactly the same I felt like I peed but its not pee its just a fluid like water that comes out yeah it can look creamy and white sometimes.
    Well I get FE's and I've never had it thick and with a fairly solid colour before, so I think you should go see a doctor as he could help :)
    Ok this expert will respect your wishes and not tell you exactly without a doubt whats going on since I am not female. Good luck.
    how about those who got a MANGINA? hahaha, sorry, i just had to.... i really tried my best not to....
    do you really think men are as dumb as you
  • smokey eye