Monday, August 23, 2010

I am the perpetual ';guy friend'; but now I want to be more than that with one of my female friends. Advice?

Augggh, the worst category of them all. I too have fallen into this role. You should just ask her out, or even better, stage it so just the two of you hang out together so you can get to know her and she can get to know you with out going on a date. Since she is already a friend asking her flat out on a date might be a little awkward. So try to hang out with her more and more and just be yourself.I am the perpetual ';guy friend'; but now I want to be more than that with one of my female friends. Advice?
ASK HER 0UT. S0ME GiRLS WiLL SAY yES 0tHERS N0. G0t t0 LiVE By THAT.I am the perpetual ';guy friend'; but now I want to be more than that with one of my female friends. Advice?
I was about to ask this same question help me too!!
tell her how hot she makes you feel and go for it.
This is officially the hardest thing on the planet to do. First you have to get out of the ';friend zone'; so she sees you in a different light. I would suggest shaking things up a bit and let her see you use your game to flirt and hit on another girl. next you have to take up a sport or hobby that's going to appeal to her. At least you'll be able to use the knowledge gained while being her friend to know what she likes and doesn't.
This proves my point that no guy can be friends with a girl.

Everyone that hates me for saying that but 10 of these questions a day prove I'm right :)
if your already established as the guy friend, then thats pretty hard to get rid of. you dont ever wanna be in the ';friend zone'; but all i can say is try to make the girl laugh and be flirtatious at the same time.
Once your her friend it's over.

Here's how dudes that get girlfriends do it; When you meet a girl. Before you know her very well, and before she knows you very well, you kiss her. Out of nowhere if need be. Just start making out. I know you won't do it, that's why your perpetual friend guy. But that's how you brake the chain. Just make out.
Make a move, dude! She's been waiting for you to.
yeah, tell her
be the biggest D*CK in the world and they will follow......not sure why but they luv it!!! just dont fall in luv with any of the ones that you attract.
You never know how she feels unless you ask. Ask yourself little questions about your friendship. Do you spend a significant amount of time with her? What do you guys do when you're together? Have you ever stayed the night with her? Has she given you one sign to show a slight interest in taking your friendship further? Read her body'll tell you everything you need to know without telling you. I've been in a situation like this before and it led us to a 5 year on and off ordeal. We're still the best of friends to this day. Don't put your feelings out there if you have the slightest hunch that she's not feeling you. Then you'll have a worst chance of losing her as a friend. Last thought, you have to ask yourself what you are willing to chance for putting your feelings out there.
be honest about your feelings for her. has she given a hint that she may be interested too? i was in a similar guy friend confessed his feelings for me. initially i was shocked b/c i never saw him ';in that way';, but the more i thought about it the more i realized he was such a great catch! go for it!
Hmmm... tough one, because a lot of time there's really no connection other than just friendship.

Let's all be honest here and make this as simple as we can. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, but if you friend who's a girl liked you in that way or wanted you at all in that way, she would have made you aware of it and you wouldn't have gotten to be the ';guy friend'; in the first place. If a chick wants you enough and thinks you're too shy to make a move, she will.

My advice is get rid of these girl friends and start from scratch. Make your intentions known from the beginning that you're not trying to make another friend here, that you want to be with this person. You'll shoot and miss a few times, but you're bound to hit the target once.
Yeah . . . .

Been there.

Just walk away with your friendship in tact, it's not worth it
tough one. Its hard to leave the guy friend role to the boyfriend role.. hmmmmmmmmmmm

I don't think it can be done honestly. If she wants you then you will know it.. has she given you any hint whatsoever that she wants more that friendship? Maybe you could just ask her and be honest with her.

Also, for future reference, when you meet a girl and like her, you have to ask her out in order to keep her off the friends list.. its hard to get off the friend list onto the boyfriend list.. fear of ruining friendships is always a worry...
Usually those type of guys are gay as can be!
You're in friend zone - the only way to come back from that is to not be as available... bummer though - it could ruin your friendship... you would be taking a chance - but she's taking you for granted (as far as relatrionships go) and not looking at you how you she needs to miss you... absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that stuff... so see if it is worth the price you may have to pay, seriously.

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