Monday, August 23, 2010

Hi i need some advice on my female cockatiel?

i like to give her treats,so i give her toast,egg apart from her seeds she has millet i did give her lettuce but stopped realising its bad for her and her poo is watery, iv stopped all toast egg to see if that was the problem its been about a week now and still watery shes only 2yrs i also have a male who is 8yrs and he eats alsorts of food and hes fine is there anything i can do for her as im getting worried thanks xxHi i need some advice on my female cockatiel?
I am sorry, but I dont know whats wrong w/ your pet:( I suggest taking her tot the vet. Good luck, adn I hope she gets well soon:)Hi i need some advice on my female cockatiel?
First, processed food for humans will not be good for animals as it has ingredients meant humans. Give 24/7 cockatiel feed, water and a source of calcium and millet is good. Second, treats should be pieces of fruits and veggies.

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