Thursday, August 19, 2010

Female seeking relationship advice regarding male?

hi! i'm 18 and have been ';out'; with this guy maybe 3 times. When we are out he is so sweet and always seeking out my hand to hold. but he never texts me! so i'd thought i'd give him his space because he if was interested he would text right? (going off the elastic band principle from ';women from venus; men from mars book but i don't think thats going to work) i am so disappointed, he is such a sweet guy and i really felt a connection with him :(Female seeking relationship advice regarding male?
Text Him. But Not Too Much. Just Once, If He Doesnt Answer, Id Wait %26amp; See What Happens. Dont Want To Seem Too Desperate, But I Think You Should Text. He's Proabably Thinking The Same As You!Female seeking relationship advice regarding male?
Just text him saying hi and stuff but dont chase after him because thats the worst thing you can do! Just text him once and then if he replies then thats great but if he doesnt then just give him some time, im sure if he didnt like you then he wouldnt have taken you out and he definatley wouldnt have kept trying to hold your hand :) hope everything works out :) xx
He just may not be that into texts.

1. Ditch the book, it's stupid.

2. If he's attentive and treats you nice, see where it leads.

3. If he doesn't make the effort to seek you out, let it go, and move on to the next guy.

If you like someone, you seek them out and enjoy their company. This applies to both genders. It's not rocket science.
He may simply be one of those guys who don't text that much. My ex used to complain that she would be better off sending me a carrier pidgeon rather than a text (which I still argue would have been more interesting).

Or he may be too show to start the initial texting in which case you should text him first!

I wouldn't look too deeply into it though.

Good Luck!
Keep patience !! He is a good guy !! For example .......... If you were living in India and doing so (going alone with a guy) !! He would have 100 % ****** you !! I am not jocking........It would have happened 100 % with you.........and you were asking the best Hospital for abortion..........and he is not doing so........then he is a good guy !! Slow and steady wins the race !!
you can't use that theory on a guy whom you went out 3 times. it just might be that he is not sure about you guys. don't get disappointed. but you should ask him directly why this is so. no other solution for this.but make sure u ask in a polite manner or it'll add to his negative side.
Lots of guys - and girls dont like texting - or never have the iniative to text first so I guess it wouldnt be any harm to send him a text! But having said that - you two are newly seeing each other or whatever you want to call it - it would be nice for him to contact you first and express interest... its a hard one to call but if you like him that much just bite the bullet and text!

did you know the world existed with out texting

some people think it is an moronic insincere form of communication totally worthless

try ringing him and speaking to him

texts mean nothing

i only use them as very very very last resort
text him and subtly, jokingly say how comes you haven't texted me, I've been having sleepless nights
just dont push him. Just be there for him and gave him time to think.Maybe he is still deciding..
break the ego by texting him. it really doesnt matter if its his or your ego.
why dont you be patient and when he wants to talk to you he will.
Yeah, text him.
text him
Move on......may be he has some one

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