Thursday, August 19, 2010

So annoying! I need a female's advice!?

OK, I'm 13 and I've had my period for a few months now.

My problem is it's too messy!

I put on the pads and everything, but sometimes it goes around the pad.

The second day of my period is the worst. There's always so much blood and it always leaks through. I'm tired of having to wash my underwear all the time.

I think tampons would be a better idea, but my mother won't let me. She believes tampons can take away my virginity, and I know it's not true.

Me and my mom aren't that close and she doesn't like to listen much, so I don't have much a chance of trying to convince her.

I've thought about putting on the tampon myself, but I'm a little worried I might do something wrong like break my hymen. This is why I need my mom to be there and help me.

I need some good advice, to both of my problems - the tampons and the mess of the pads.

Thx to all of you ppl.So annoying! I need a female's advice!?
you are right, tampons dont take away your virginity. I would definalty give tampons a try, seeing as you are having such a problem. You just demand that she buys you tampons or you can talk to some one else and see if they will supply you with some. The trick is you need to keep shooting until you cant feel the tampon... it might take a few but once you have it, your golden.

Good luck and welcome to womanhood!So annoying! I need a female's advice!?
Get some with wings and the super long ones (usually the overnight have a good combo of that).

I heard that Always infinity brand is really good since they are slim and absorb a lot :)

I used a tampon cause I was an athlete and it's made like a lot easier. If you can't get your mom to let you, then I guess u shouldn't.

good luck!
tell her they don't make you lose your virginity. only a guy can do that. if she doesn't believe you, get someone she'll believe to tell her. and if you're not close to her, i wouldn't suggest letting her help you put it in.

AKWARD!!! and for the messy pad part, try getting some bigger pads and smaller underwear. i had the same prob. worked for me
Try to avoid too much blood loss %26amp; see your doctor.
dont use tampons without your mom permission it can be really dangerous
just ask her if you can try it.

Tampons can not take your virginity

you need her help to put in a tampon??

Tampons will not break your hymen. Viriginity is not an ';intact'; hymen, it's actually defined as never having had sexual intercourse by vaginal penetration.

You can still have a broken hymen and be a virgin.

You can even have sexual interncourse and not break your hymen! The hymen can be stretchy enough to permit a penis to go right past it and not break it. So the two things don't always relate.

Tampons might help a little, but you really need to find a better pad. If you're leaking around and outside, find one with wings, or a thicker, more absorbent one. Find the smallest tampon you can, to practice with and don't forget to remove it at least every 4 hours if not more often, to prevent toxic shock syndrome. And wash your hands before and after using them to prevent infections.
I think you're mature enough to use tampons without your moms permission. :)

So you should go tell her the facts, straight up. It's your body and she can't control how you take care of it.

If you have troubles, you can go to or just look through this Womens Health section on yahoo answers, ask more squestions on here, or just search whatever questions you have and see if anyone else has asked them. We're here to help. :)

You could also ask a close woman, like a friend or another relative.
First, you lose your virginity when you have sexual intercourse with a man, many women are born without hymens, not having one doesn't means you're not a virgin.

Second, if you really want to use tampons, go buy some and use them, they do come with instructions on how to insert them.

You don't need your mom to help insert tampons, especially if you two aren't that close...

Three, ..... I can't use tampons either =( but just cause they're uncomfterble (virgin here also) when I expect a heavy I flow a fold up a ton of toilet paper into an extra layer for my pad, and try to wear your tightest fitting panties so there are no gaps for leaks, and be sure you check them/replace your extra layer frequently if it's that heavy

Good luck, I don't talk to my mom about this stuff either, just figured it out myself.
I used to have this problem when I was younger. But, as I got older, they seemed to lighten more.

The key is to change your pad more often. Change it when you wake up, change it right before you leave for school, change it a couple times in school if need be (during lunch is a good time.)

You might need to switch to new pads. The pads with wings work better for me. Make sure you get the supers, too. They have pads that are thicker and thinner. Look around for thicker pads.

Finally, you might be putting your pad in the wrong position on your underwear. I've found that putting it higher up works better than smack in the middle. Before I made this simple change, my pads were too far back - almost towards my buttox (there is no reason why my buttox would need pad protection!)

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