Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I need some ADVICE from female adults, please?

hey, im a fourteen year old girl, and i want women at our church to see me as a mature young lady, who is pretty and knows how to act. all my friends are a bit on the wild side. i can act silly too, but im wondering. i need adult opinions on what makes you think a teenage girl is mature, or what you admire and go ';that girl is growing up';. also, when girls wear makeup(not too much) or lipgloss, does it make you think they are trying to act older? or do you think ';oh theyre just naturally pretty';?

also to ADD to the question, what is it about girls that you DONT admire and think they are IMMATURE?I need some ADVICE from female adults, please?
Bear in mind that make-up was designed originally to make older women look younger, on beautiful young girls like you, it can make you look much older than you are, and takes away that youthful prettiness that you only get in your teens (but I know you want to attract the lads!). If you want to be seen as mature, some tips: be thoughtful and helpful to the elderly or handicapped. Most youngsters don't give them a second thought: be polite and mannerly to everyone, it costs nothing: don't constantly giggle or talk too shrilly: be obviously respectful to your parents, even when you don't agree with them (they are the best friends you will ever have, whatever age you are): show you are willing to accept responsibility: try to be at ease talking to either a duchess or the dustbinman. Mature people like youngsters who can hold a decent conversation.

Hope that isn't too demanding, but you did ask!I need some ADVICE from female adults, please?
basically dont be disrespectful, dont wear any makeup to church...who do you have to impress at church? God is already inpressed by your natural looks. They will know if your trying to hard so be natural. and just make sure you respect them and dress descently.
Don't try and be something your not as your only fourteen. People can see right through you and that won't make you feel comfortable. Your only young so the people in church should understand because bet they were the same when they were young (no matter what they say) x Just don't swear often or commit any bad things like all humans should do x
it depends on how much makeup... if you exaggerate, we麓ll think you麓re trying to prove you麓re grown up.

i admire teenagers who are more quiet and focused on intelligence rather than on clothes and material stuff.

balance is the key...
enjoy your youth, don't try to act older. Because when you are older you will try to act younger. Am I right? I think so. Enjoy your youth. Guys like silly girls some times.

you have asked this question three times now... steady on
just dress your age don't be like most of these young teenage girls wearing mini skirts and skipy shorts it looks tacky and it makes them out to look like little sluts in training...... and don't wear alot of make-up just a little bass and some lip gloss would work great. the girls that i can not stand to see is the ones that think that they know everything, dress what to old for their age and do not listen to a thing that anyone tells them and always have something smart to say.
Why ,you are only young once enjoy it while you sweety, age just goes so quickly before you know it you will be 18.........
just try to be a little more sophisticated, say please and thank you whenever you can. try to start a conversation after service about the sermon. and when you start the conversation, pay attention to what they have to say, and comment whenever possible.
Hi honey,

To be asking this question at your age shows great maturity. Just be who God intended you to be. I found making eye contact smiling and saying good morning makes a persons day. It's important to choose your friends wisely. Four big decisions in life include , ( your salvation in Christ, choice of friends, your vocation and if God wills your spouse. ) Sometimes you can't help who your friends are at church. So in that case be the moral strong leader in your group that glorifies God.

As far as make-up is concerned wear it so that your face looks natural. It's not considered a compliment when someone says your makeup looks good. It's more complimentary when they say you look pretty today. Lip gloss is great. so when girls wear their make-up lightly it shows their natural beauty and I see nothing wrong with that. It's when they put their eye make-up on too heavy or their blush too dark or their lipstick too dark it looks like stage make-up and you can't see their natural face that God so carefully created.

As far as women at your church are concerned... maybe you could join up with groups like the decorating committee or the choir. You could offer to help clean up after showers or dinners. This is how adults get to know you. Maybe you could volunteer your time stuffing envelopes or wrapping gifts for the shut-in, military or college students ( that is if your church has those ministries . ) Or just show up for all your youth groups activities and bring a friend.

When I see a young girl wearing make-up and physically maturing into a young lady I say to myself wow! It just seemed like yesterday she was in my Junior department. When she smiles and says,'; hi how are you';? that just thrills me. When she has the time to talk I'm happy to catch up with what's going on in her life.

Oh boy, You ask what I don't admire about a young girl as yourself. Well the bible says dress clean and modest. I guess when I see a girl wearing short skirts and low tops, that indicates to me shes not their to worship and fellowship but to attract the males and bring the focus on her only. (Remember a lady attracts a gentleman.) Also when they talk all the way Thur service or hang all over their boy friend is a big red flag to me.

So I would say honey just be your lovely self and let God worry about the rest. I hope this helps you in some little way.

In His Grip, Ms. Kim

Being shy and giggling are seen as immature. Confidence in yourself shows maturity.

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