Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm seeing a female doctor about a sensitive guy problem... any advice?

I'm seeing a female doctor about a penis problem, and I'm scared! Any advice?I'm seeing a female doctor about a sensitive guy problem... any advice?
Go to any Male Urologist. That will be better to explian.I'm seeing a female doctor about a sensitive guy problem... any advice?
I prefer a female Dr checking out my penis more so than a male Dr. Women are much more caring and gentle, and seem to be more sensitive about your concerns and problems. Are you scared of getting an erection and being embarrassed..., it most likely won't happen, even if it did she probably would feel like it was a compliment. Don't worry
Personally, I'm a male and prefer to have a male doctor for problems relating to the genitals.

If you're worried about getting an erection with a female doctor, I'm sure it's happend to her before, and there shouldn't be any problem, except for your embarassment.
I have had too see several female Doc. no big deal, in fact a couple of them from what I could tell were or became horny. Just from the way the stood or i could see there nipples sticking trough the shirt. That is why they wear a lab coat same with men who are obgyn docs. they are looking at lots of women whoya's. But keep in mind they are in the profession because the enjoy the work they do. It's not going to embarse them any more than you. If you happen to get a woodie they just might take a out a pen and give you a good whack then it will for sure go down.
don't worry about it if she knows what she's talking about. i wasn't all that excited about having a male OBGYN. but........he really is a nice guy that will answer all my questions and doesn't make me feel stupid when i ask them. he's very good at what he does. and........sometimes it's really handy to have a male OBGYN. he told me that condoms can only go on one way. i didn't know that. if she knows her stuff..........go with it.
Dont worry about it, just act normal because shes a professional and has probably dealt with this more than once in her career.

If shes hot just try to concentrate on something else, im not sure shed appreciate it if you got an erection while she was checking you over !!

Good Luck
male/female--they've seen it all. if you're worried that she's gonna 'inspect' you, and worse yet, you'll pop a woodie, then don't. It happens, and it's happened to them before. They're professionals. It's OK. Nothing to be embarrassed about.
so what if the dr. is male or female, i expect they just heard about every problem there is.
Pervy much? Just ask for a new doctor.
she should be good in that case.
'' just Do not forget to carry a condom ''
Ask to see a male doctor. she will understand.

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