Saturday, July 31, 2010

BIG ****!!OKAY now that i have ur attention i need some MALE&female advice,is short hair unattractive on girls?

Okay so heres the problem, i have always had short hair, my hair cant naturally grow long...and yes i have tried not cutting it for a few years it just doesnt grow past my sholders....i use to have extension but i took them out cause they were annoying, i was just wondering...should i put them back in? or keep my hair naturally short? is short hair unattractive on girls???

This is me with short hair......

And this is me with long hair...

Now what one makes me look better? more older and more mature? and boys do you think it's unattractive for girls to have short hair? please be honest i would really appreciate it!BIG ****!!OKAY now that i have ur attention i need some MALE%26amp;female advice,is short hair unattractive on girls?
I've struggled too with the short/long hair decision. People have told me that they like it both ways. Guys tend to say longer is sexier, but I think this thought should be forgotten! I think short hair is easier to maintain, especially for me because I have naturally very curly hair. I like short hair on girls... I think it grabs attention. In a way, I am tired of seeing girls with all the same haircut. It gets boring! I think you might do better with a different short hair style though, perhaps a cute bob. The short haircut you have does not look bad, but I think a bob would look fresher and more age-appropriate. Plus, with a bob your hair will still be long enough to curl, pull back a bit, or style differently. Just remember, hair will always grow back. Have fun with it!BIG ****!!OKAY now that i have ur attention i need some MALE%26amp;female advice,is short hair unattractive on girls?

And you look like a teen around 15 or 16 :]

With short hair you look like you're in your early 20s, and that looks good too!~

In my opinion, long hair is much better.

But you look great both ways!!
short hair aaaaall the way, it looks way better. extensions are evil and unnatural anyway.
i think they are both cute but short hair looks way better and makes you look older not so teenager-ish. im not sure how old youa ctually are tho
Both are equally pretty. :)
i think you're one of the only girls who can pull off short hair.

but i love the lond on you!

i've always wanted extensions!
i love long!

short makes you look older and long makes you look like a teen.
You look kinda full of yourself when you have long hair.

Short hair makes you look more fun and laid back
the long one looks cuter on you :D
holly **** old r u??long 15...short hair like 23??? same person?? i personally like u better with short hair.
Look. I don't care what bull*** other people feed you, you look very attractive (i mean it) with long hair. With short hair you look way different and look like a boy. if you are trying to attract men, stay with the long hair, you have nice hair too. Short hair just killed it for me personally. I thought i was looking at two different ppl. And the highlight looks bad too. For short hair, you looked the best in the third picture. So keep long hair and don't mess with blonde highlights, maybe color it brown or something but the pepper / blonde highlights make you look fake-ish.
i think it depends what you're wanting to portray. you definitely look older and more mature with the shorter hair, like the one above me said--early twenties with short hair and mid teens with long hair. I really love the long hair though, much more flirtatious. i'm not a boy....but no, it's not unattractive for girls to have short hair. whether or not it's attractive depends on who it is. You look great with either style!! way jealous, i'm chopping off my long hair in a few months, hopefully, it'll look half as good as yours!

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