I feel like im never going to meet anybody that loves me unless i get a job and get my teeth fixed.Its a nightmare scenario and nobody understands how i feel.I try to be confident and ignore what other people think or anything nasty that people say but its hard when some people blatantly insult me about my problem just because they can.
Is it worth going back to ask her out next saturday or not?She went red when i was asking her for help?Female advice?
Go 4 it, hu cares about your teeth or your job, if girls turn u down because of them then their shallow and fussy.
No harm in asking her out, if she says no then its a no, plenty of gorgeous girls out their :)
xXxShe went red when i was asking her for help?Female advice?
if she went red then that means she likes GO for it
If you don't do it you'll regret it forever.
If you do it and she says yes - result!
If you do it and she says no - you've lost nothing.
DO IT!!!!!
ps. Im accidentally responsible for the thumbs up dave has got - i did it without really reading his answer!
Daves advice is wrong!
Ok, she might not like you, but you HAVE to find out - that's the whole point of the dating game.
She will not like you more if you've got a car and a job - she's not even going to know anything about you at the point you ask her out.
What your doing is using every little thing as an excuse to do nothing.
Sod the job - go and ask her out, if she says no - tough! we've all had no's - it's a part of life
MY job?? I'm a retail manager and I KNOW girls don't go red because the heatings warm, neither have I encountered any staff that go red talking to customers.
However... there are ways of doing this..
DO NOT just walk up to her and ask her out.
The only way to do this right is to be 'looking' at another product and ask her advice on it, then you can ask some questions and get a bit of a chat going - near the end, when you've found out all there is to know about the latest Samsung LCD TV, just say how helpful shes been and would she like to go out sometime?
Just make it casual and not pressurised.
Forget your teeth and job - i'm a highly succesful retailer and even I've had spots of unemployment in the past.
What girls don't like is losers who NEVER want to work, not somebody who is actively looking to get employment.
She's going to reject you because she's at work and really doesn't need customers cracking on to her while she's trying to do her job. She probably went red because a) you were staring at her or b) she was embarrassed she couldn't help you or c) it was her first day so she was nervous or d) she always goes red when talking to people or e) it was too warm in there for heror f) etc
If you're in the UK you'll get your teeth fixed for free and 27 is way too old not to get them done.
If you want a job badly enough, McDonalds is always hiring. Not good enough for you? Then move somewhere else where there's work.
I know how tough it can be but ANY job is better than none at all so be prepared to do anything if you REALLY want to get your life straightened out.
Screw up your guts and get your life sorted, with your teeth straight, cash in the bank and a car etc you can then think of getting a girl.
Good luck!
you sound really non-confident about the whole going back to her to ask her out thing
so wait until youve sorted stuff out
you can get a job somewhere of course
then save up for braces and get them...
but then it would be a year until you felt confident and were ready to ask her...
just do all that stuff and have fun, and if by the time you get your brace removed you still want her, then go get her :)
she may have thought you were cute like and thats why she blushed, or maybe she just blushes round a lot of guys like that...
i dunno :)
Think stylish char...x said it all - you've nothing to lose and you had gfriends before who would have seen your teeth straight away.
It's confidence and personality that attract a girl much more.
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